: Małgorzata Dądela
: Marcin Piwnicki
Tuesday 04.03.2025LATO room
10:10 - 12:10LATO room
PANEL I: B2B vs B2C [PL]
- Characteristics of B2B vs. B2C Industries
- Business Cycles
- Business Relationships vs. Consumer Relationships
- Characteristics of Target Groups
- Purchase Needs and Motivations
Presentation in Polish.
10:10 - 12:10LATO room
PANEL II: Narzędzia marketingowe i rola social media? Jak je synchronizować? [PL]
- Key Tools Overview
- Channel Selection and Their Role
- Tool Integration to Increase Efficiency
Presentation in Polish.
12:10 - 12:25LATO room
12:25 - 12:40LATO room
PANEL III: Event marketing [PL]
- Planning and Executing Industry Events
- Using Events to Build Business Relationships
- Examples of Successful Events in the Industrial Sector
Presentation in Polish.
12:25 - 12:40LATO room
PANEL IV: Czy warto współpracować z agencjami marketingowymi w tak niszowej branży? [PL]
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing Marketing Activities
- Criteria for Choosing the Right Agency
Presentation in Polish.
12:40 - 13:00LATO room
13:00 - 14:30LATO room
V PANEL: Content marketing [PL]
- Creating valuable content for the industrial sector
- White papers, case studies, and reports – their role and application.
Presentation in Polish.
13:00 - 14:30LATO room
PANEL VI: Video marketing i fotografia [PL]
- Creating Effective Video Materials
- Types of Video Content: Case Studies, Webinars, Instructional Materials
- Production Process Photography as an Element of Building Trust
- How Good Image Quality Affects Brand Reception?
Presentation in Polish.
13:00 - 14:30LATO room
PANEL VII: Jak efektywnie tworzyć i dystrybuować treści? [PL]
- Content Creation Strategies Tailored to Your Audience
- How to Choose the Optimal Publication Schedule for Your B2B Company?
- How to Use AI and Automation to Plan and Generate Content?
+ Q&A Session