See the complete program


      Tuesday 04.03.2025
      conference and meeting zone
      • 10:00 - 13:00
        conference and meeting zone


        Organizer of the conference:

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        10:00-10:15 Opening of the event

        Start of the event with the participation of local government authorities and trade fair organizers.

        10:15-11:00 Discussion panel 1: „Po pierwsze: legislacja – przyszłość recyklingu w Europie a geopolityka” [PL]

        Discussion topics: entry into force of regulations requiring the use of rPET in production, changes in climate policy related to the announced change in the priorities of the US administration after the inauguration of Donald Trump and the announced withdrawal of the "Ban for plastics", creating demand for recyclates through legislation - the right direction or unnecessary interference in the free market? Does further promotion of the Green Deal make sense during the change in the climate policy of the main world player (the USA) - will this program survive, and if so, in what form?

        11:15-12:00 Discussion panel 2: „Po drugie: technologia – przetwórstwo recyklatów a wyzwania techniczne”

        Discussion topics: differences in the processing of regranulates and originals, co-injection moulding of recyclates and prime materials, peripherals adapted to the processing of regranulates, regeneration of tools for the processing of secondary raw materials, removal of mould contamination by combustion.

        12:15-13:00 Discussion panel 3: „Po trzecie: czy to ma sens? – recyklaty w przetwórstwie tworzyw sztucznych” [PL]

        Discussion topics: What is the point of view of people involved in plastics processing, who actually "face" the use of recyclates in their production? What problems does the use of secondary raw materials in production generate? How to reconcile environmental challenges with everyday problems in processing?

    • Workshop „Jak sprzedać wtryskarkę bez nakręcania bajek – sztuka marketingu w przemyśle” [PL]

      Tuesday 04.03.2025
      LATO room
      • 10:10 - 12:10
        LATO room

        PANEL I


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        B2B vs B2C [PL]

        • Characteristics of B2B vs. B2C Industries
        • Business Cycles
        • Business Relationships vs. Consumer Relationships
        • Characteristics of Target Groups
        • Purchase Needs and Motivations

        Narzędzia marketingowe i rola social media? Jak je synchronizować? [PL]

        • Key Tools Overview
        • Channel Selection and Their Role
        • Tool Integration to Increase Efficiency

        Presentation in Polish.

      • 12:25 - 12:40
        LATO room

        PANEL II

        Event marketing [PL]

        • Planning and Executing Industry Events
        • Using Events to Build Business Relationships
        • Examples of Successful Events in the Industrial Sector


        Czy warto współpracować z agencjami marketingowymi w tak niszowej branży? [PL]

        • Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing Marketing Activities
        • Criteria for Choosing the Right Agency

        All presentations in Polish.

      • 13:00 - 14:30
        LATO room

        PANEL III

        Content marketing

        • Creating valuable content for the industrial sector
        • White papers, case studies, and reports – their role and application.

        Video marketing i fotografia

        • Creating Effective Video Materials
        • Types of Video Content: Case Studies, Webinars, Instructional Materials
        • Production Process Photography as an Element of Building Trust
        • How Good Image Quality Affects Brand Reception?

        Jak efektywnie tworzyć i dystrybuować treści

        • Content Creation Strategies Tailored to Your Audience
        • How to Choose the Optimal Publication Schedule for Your B2B Company?
        • How to Use AI and Automation to Plan and Generate Content?

        All presentations in Polish.

      • 14:30 - 14:30
        LATO room

        Summary and conclusion

    • Brokerage Event / B2B Meetings

      Wednesday 05.03.2025
      conference and meeting zone
      • 10:00 - 15:00
        conference and meeting zone

        Brokerage Event / B2B Meetings


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        The cooperation exchange is a great opportunity to establish business relations with new partners from the industry, and also to find customers for the products or services offered. Entrepreneurs can talk about cooperation opportunities, exchange experiences, and discuss the latest solutions.

        Access to representatives of the tool and processing sector from around the world has never been so easy!

        Rules for participation in the Cooperation Exchange:

        1. Registration on the website of the INNOFORM® 2025 Cooperation Exchange, defining the profile of your business and the type of cooperation that the company wants to establish;
        2. Data of registered companies are regularly posted on the exchange website, which makes it easier to review registered entities;
        3. From the catalog of registered entities, you can choose partners to meet during the exchange;
        4. Before the Cooperation Exchange, participants receive an individual schedule of B2B meetings by e-mail along with information about the interlocutor, meeting time and table number;
        5. On March 5 this year, a series of previously arranged 25-minute meetings between paired companies are held at numbered tables.
        6. On March 6-7, meetings are held according to the schedule on the Exchange platform in an online format;
        7. The language used at meetings with foreign partners is English.

        Participation in the B2B Matchmaking Exchange is free of charge. The number of places is limited. Registration for B2B meetings is mandatory. To sign up for the Matchmaking Exchange, you must register your company on the Exchange's website: 

        In case of questions, please contact Torun Regional Development Agency:

        Ośrodek Enterprise Europe Network przy Toruńskiej Agencji Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.

        Michał Gotowt
        tel. +48 690 950 018


        Read more


      Wednesday 05.03.2025
      LATO room
    • Educational Day

      Thursday 06.03.2025
      WIOSNA room
      • 10:00 - 11:00
        WIOSNA room

        Meeting with experts [PL]

        • Branża narzędziowo-przetwórcza jako dynamiczne środowisko pracy w regionie kujawsko-pomorskim [PL] – Tadeusz Konek, Członek Zarządu Bydgoskiego Klastra Przemysłowego Doliny Narzędziowej, Firma KONEK PSN
        • Ścieżki kariery w branży narzędziowo-przetwórczej [PL] – Firma TE Connectivity
        • Twoja przyszłość w Twoich rękach – jak odkryć swój potencjał i przygotować się na zawody przyszłości [PL] – Roma Gorczyca, Kujawsko-Pomorskie Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli

        All presentations in Polish.

      • 11:00 - 13:00

        Organized tour of the trade fair hall, divided into groups

        Participation rules:

        The educational day is intended for secondary school students and eighth grade primary school students. On that day, there will be a lecture for students on the potential of the tool and processing industry and career options, and then the youth will visit the fair under the supervision of mentors.

        Admission for organized school groups with a guardian is free, provided they register in advance.

        Registration and organizational information: Agnieszka Dąbrowska, Educational Project Specialist –, tel. 690 252 169.

    • Brokerage Event / B2B Meetings

      Thursday 06.03.2025
      • 10:00 - 15:00

        Brokerage Event / B2B Meetings online


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        8:00 - 16:00 Continuation of the Cooperation Exchange in an online format