How is the approach to recycling changing - interview with Krzysztof Nowosielski


What is the approach to recycling? How much has processors' interest in recyclates increased? What is important for this industry? We talked about this with Krzysztof Nowosielski, director of ML SP. z o. o.

Beata Snopkiewicz: Recycling is a word that has been used differently for several years now. Has the recycling manufacturer noticed a significant change in society's approach to recycling?

Krzysztof Nowosielski: Definitely, both in society and among our contractors. Of course, between us and the recipient of the product on the store shelf, there is also a company that uses recyclates in its production. However, our sales team increasingly notices that an important factor motivating the purchase of regranulate is the end customer, as the processor informs us about. This is, of course, related to the growing awareness of society. I think we have become more sensitive to the environmental aspect. Recycled products, as well as the recyclate itself, have become desirable not as a cheap substitute, but as a more valuable (environmentally) substitute for primary plastics.

Beata Snopkiewicz: And how has the interest of plastics processors in recycled raw materials increased? Can you see them at trade fairs?

Krzysztof Nowosielski: This increased interest is visible at every step. Both at fairs, where virtually every event we take part in attracts more and more potential, but above all new, customers at our stands. Those who have not used recyclates before. In addition to trade fair events, we also take part in many conferences where it is clearly visible that the topics of discussion are changing and there is virtually no industry conference today where circularity or sustainable development is not discussed. Our contact with customers, also during meetings at their place or in our company, also shows increased interest in our products, which of course makes us extremely happy.

Beata Snopkiewicz: What do you think is currently most important for the recycling industry to develop properly?

Krzysztof Nowosielski: I have mentioned this - as have my colleagues from the industry - many times. Clear and transparent legislation, along with the efficient implementation of EU regulations at the national level. This is a key condition that allows you to confidently plan the development of your company. And in the case of our domestic recyclers, it allows us to remain competitive with foreign - especially Western European - competition.

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Beata Snopkiewicz: What stands out ML Sp. z o. o. from other recyclate suppliers? As an entrepreneur, you certainly know producers with whom cooperation is in your dream zone. What argument would you use to acquire one of the most important packaging producers in Europe?

Krzysztof Nowosielski: We try to make our dreams come true on an ongoing basis and many top producers are already in our portfolio of recipients [laughter]. Please also excuse me from answering what arguments we use to convince the customer to choose our products. However, I can certainly say that when it comes to cooperation with the most demanding customers, the quality and repeatability of products are always key. However, it is easier to talk about it and harder to implement. Nevertheless, apart from modern processing technology, the key factors are: proven and stable sources of raw materials for production and permanent quality control, carried out thanks to a very well-equipped laboratory. Both the raw materials we use in production and the recyclates we produce.

Beata Snopkiewicz: Let's get back to the topic of trade exhibitions. You are at all the most important European industry events. Your company has been present at the INNOFORM fair for several years. How will you attract guests to your stand?

Krzysztof Nowosielski: Indeed, we are regular guests in Bydgoszcz. Moreover, we are also a member of the Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster, we also have constant scientific cooperation with the Bydgoszcz University of Technology and partnership with the university. On the one hand, we are trying to support this event, which is a very interesting point on the map of industry meetings, and on the other, we are simply trying to be close to our regular customers and potential new contractors. We have been implementing this marketing strategy consistently for several years and it cannot be denied that it brings measurable results. We are coming to INNOFORM® with a new proposal for those who have not used recyclates in their production so far and are not technically ready to do so - i.e. they do not have properly adapted machinery. Our offer of TECHFIN granulates is a solution just for them. Our sales team will be available to everyone who needs support at the beginning of their adventure with processing recyclates.

Beata Snopkiewicz: Thank you for the conversation and I wish you a successful fair.

Krzysztof Nowosielski: Thank you and I cordially invite you to stand no. 16 during the INNOFORM® fair in Bydgoszcz.


With Krzysztof Nowosielski, director of ML SP. z o. o. Interviewed by Beata Snopkiewicz - Project Manager / Team Leader of the INNOFORM® Trade Fair