About tools and recycling at the INNOFORM® Fair in Bydgoszcz


Industry news, professional knowledge, substantive discussions. This is, in a nutshell, the 6th edition of the INNOFORM® International Cooperative Trade Fair of the Tool and Processing Industry. Industry specialists and practitioners will talk about new trends, challenges, and development plans. The main theme of this year's fair will be the circular economy. The organizers have also prepared something new - a zone dedicated to plastic recycling. The INNOFORM® fair will be held on April 16-18, 2024 in Bydgoszcz.

The Bydgoszcz Fair and Exhibition Center will again host toolmakers and plastics processors. This important industry event takes place in a region where almost 1,000 companies from this industry operate. This year, 85 exhibitors will present the offers of 170 companies from around the world. The strategic partner of the event is the Marshal's Office of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship.

The INNOFORM® fair is an event addressed to the broadly understood molding industry and responds to its practical needs. Exhibitors will present many machines, devices, and solutions based on the principles of sustainable development.

During the fair, guests will be able to see, among others, extruders and injection molding machines with optimal performance, ensuring reduction of energy costs, water savings, reduction of CO2 emissions, and reduced need for cooling. New grades of tool steel with high thermal conductivity and lubricants whose production and reprocessing technology reduces CO2 emissions will be presented. Interesting solutions will also include an automatic tool changer, accelerating tool change times, and a magnetic mold clamping system that can operate at higher temperatures, up to 120°C; compressor refrigeration systems ensure the possibility of waste heat recovery, including: from cooling; heat and cold accumulators allowing the use of waste heat, cheap off-peak energy and own production of renewable energy sources, as well as ecological mold cleaning services. There will be a lot of these solutions - they will cover the entire chain necessary to create a tool or produce a detail. Once again, in the science zone, scientific units will present their achievements and opportunities offered to the molding industry.

The INNOFORM® fair is famous for its rich substantive program. On the first day of the fair, there will be a conference devoted to environmental issues titled: "Plastics recycling in the maze of regulations. Is it still a noble idea or is it already a utopia? Despite the noble assumptions and partly necessary changes, the quantity, quality, and pace of their implementation threaten the stability of the business, and the emerging rules and regulations may lead to a significant removal of production from the EU. The conference includes two panels. The first one will cover the topic of sustainable development requirements in the area of ​​polymers and new national and international regulations, as well as how they affect the condition of business and what the future holds for it. The second panel will be devoted to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and the regulations being introduced in this area. The panel participants will be practitioners, representatives of the banking sector, and the world of science, who will discuss the topic from various angles. They will answer, among other things, the question of how enterprises should be prepared for implementation and whether it can constitute a competitive advantage. The conference will be complemented by a block of presentations on modern solutions for tool shops.

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The Toruń Regional Development Agency and the Enterprise Europe Network invite you to the Cooperative Exchange. To increase its attractiveness, it will once again be held in a hybrid formula - in the form of on-site meetings (April 17 in the fair space) and online (April 18-19). The formula of B2B meetings lasting several minutes between entrepreneurs is an excellent opportunity to start a fruitful business relationship. On the second day, you should also visit the Presentation Zone, where from 11:00 you will be able to expand your knowledge about modern solutions for the tool and processing industry. It is already a tradition that the third day of the fair is educational. Students of technical schools, in organized groups under the supervision of specialists, will visit the exhibition and take part in a short, special conference on work and development opportunities in the tool and processing industry.

The organizers have prepared a pool of free tickets for all interested entrepreneurs, which entitles them to participate in the fairs and events included in the program. To receive a free ticket, simply complete the short registration form. Details are available at www.innoform.pl/en